Signs That You Might Need Long-Term Care

Here are Some Signs that Someone Might Need Care


• Are you or your loved one isolated from social contact?

• Are your or a loved one’s sleeping habits, eating habits or activity levels changing?

• Daily Activities/Eating Habits

• Are you or your loved one having a difficult time walking, dressing or eating?


• Has there been an increased susceptibility to falling and bruising?

Cognitive Ability

• Is your or your loved one’s mental reasoning ability at a level where personal safety and the safety of others is at risk?

Increasing Medical Needs

• Do you or a loved one need medical care that is hard to provide on your own?

• Do medications need to be increased?

• Do you or your loved one need help taking medications?

• Do you or your loved one use medical equipment like an oxygen tank or need daily or weekly treatments like dialysis?

• Is rehabilitative care needed, such as after a surgery or injury?

Caregiver Burnout

• Is a family caregiver exhausted due to the amount of care you or your loved one needs?

• Medication Errors/Missed Doctor’s Appointments

• Are your or your loved one’s medications being mixed one, or not taken at all?

• Are doctor’s appointments being missed?

Household Management

• Can you or your loved one still manage to run a household, such as keeping a checkbook or paying bills?

• Is there a dramatic change in how the house is kept?

• If you’ve answered yes to many of these questions, it’s probably time to talk about getting assistance.

Partner spotlight

The legal needs of healthcare are inconstant so itƒ??s important to seek legal representation with experience. Hynum Law represents nursing and PCH facilities regarding collections, Medicaid eligibility, guardianships, compliance programs, contracts, licensure and survey appeals, human resources, reimbursement and payment appeals. Attorney Michael Hynum obtained NHA licensure in 1993 and served as a Nursing Home and Personal Care Home Administrator for many years. Combined, the attorneys at Hynum Law have over 40 years of experience.

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