Gero Nurse Prep
Online gerontological certification training for your key RN staff.
- It’s all about superior care for seniors.
- It’s how your RNs become board certified.
- It helps you achieve each of AHCA’s four quality initiatives.
- It elevates RN knowledge, skills, job satisfaction and retention.
- It means happier residents and families — and more referrals.
Online Training to Become Board Certified in Gerontological Nursing
A 10-module learning program that prepares your RNs to pass the gerontological certification exam by the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
For nurses, for residents, for facility owners/administrators. Results in more skills, better care, lower costs and higher staff retention. Happier nurses, residents and families = more referrals.
Special pricing for AHCA/NCAL members.
Over 76 million baby boomers are now retiring.
In giant waves.
Every day.
Through 2030.
Two-thirds of all U.S. nurses have NO geriatric training.
And only 1% are board certified.