For the most part we can all agree that volunteers play a key role in the quality of care and the quality of life for the people living and working in our long-term care communities. We also know that time is precious and limited so recruiting and training volunteers can be challenging. This is where the National Association of Long-Term Care Volunteers (NALTCV), steps in. The NALTCV provides quality interactive training, ongoing training for prospective volunteers, and resources specific to long-term care for recruiting quality volunteers. In this session, you will learn how NALTCV can support you and your volunteers.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain why the NALTCV was created and it’s vision
- Discuss the mission of the NALTCV and describe four areas of support that the NALTCV provides
- List and describe ways that people can take advantage of NALTCV volunteer training and other resources
Credits: 1 CEU available for SNF, AL, PC
Paul Falkowski